Charlotte E. Warren

Charlotte E. Warren is a senior associate based in the Population Council’s Washington, DC office. A nurse by training, Warren has extensive experience [...]

Beth Kangwana

Beth Kangwana is a public health epidemiologist with over 15 years of experience in health-related research, management, and development. Since 2018, she has [...]


Since 1994, the Population Council has been a driving force in Zambia, expanding its operations in 2009 to support country-wide research on HIV [...]

United States

In the US, the Population Council has offices in New York City and Washington, D.C.   The Population Council’s Center for Biomedical Research (CBR)—located on [...]


The Population Council established an office in Dakar in 1989 to support activities in Senegal and other francophone countries in West Africa. The [...]


Population Council Nigeria is dedicated to meeting the needs of marginalized populations, including adolescent girls and young women, and to promoting access to [...]


The Population Council has been conducting operations research in Pakistan since 1957 and established a permanent office in Islamabad in 1991. The Council’s work [...]


The Population Council has conducted social science research in Ghana since 1989 and established an office in 2002. A country-wide healthcare reform effort [...]


In Bangladesh, the Population Council conducts research to increase use of reproductive health services, expand the contraceptive method mix, reduce sexual and gender-based [...]

World Population Day

Population issues are among the most critical challenges the world faces in the 21st century. For nearly 70 years, the Population Council has [...]

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