In Egypt, the Population Council focuses on research to improve the quality of reproductive health services and prevent unplanned and closely spaced pregnancies and to understand and address the needs of youth and adolescents.Since the opening of the office in 1978, the Council has collaborated with governmental and nongovernmental institutions, including the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Youth, National Population Council, and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. Researchers developed Ishraq, the first comprehensive program to empower out-of-school adolescent girls, which was expanded nationally. The Council also conducted nationally representative surveys of adolescents and youth in 1997, 2009 and 2014 and is currently preparing for a third round (2023). Those surveys provide a comprehensive profile of Egyptian adolescents and youth and influence national policy and program design.The Council partners with local organizations to identify issues and conduct research to better understand and address those problems. Results of research conducted by the Population Council are widely used by government, researchers, and donor agencies in Egypt.