Growing Up in an Uncertain World: Adolescents and the climate crisis in LMICs

July 20, 2023

9:30 am-11:00 am

Kigali, Rwanda

WD2023 Concurrent Session Room: MH4.2   ORGANIZERS Population Council, Women Deliver, Youth Co-Researchers (also Women Deliver Young Leaders), UNICEF   Impacts of climate change on adolescents are not obvious and are not regularly reported on. And while young people are often the face of climate activism, the multilayered way that adolescents respond to, adapt to and work to solve the climate crisis is not well known. This session will focus on building and deepening the understanding of the intersection of climate crisis and adolescents, with an emphasis on the gendered dimensions. Adolescents from climate-affected areas will speak on the importance of looking at the climate crisis via the lens of adolescents, and vice-a-versa. In plenary, young people engaged in research will share how the climate crisis is impacting adolescents and provide key insights from ongoing research conducted with adolescents in their respective countries to highlight contextual diversity. The session will create space for conversation among participants to deepen the discussion on how the climate crisis is shaping adolescents’ lives and to engage in forward-looking discussions on relevant recommendations for various contexts, spotlighting adolescent-led solutions. The breakout sessions will be led by young climate activists and at least one will be held in Spanish and one in French. A second plenary will focus on adolescent-led solutions and recommendations. Recommendations will be based on the research and conversations from various pre-conferences for attendees’ advocacy, programming, or future research on girls and climate. The event will close with participants sharing how they can apply the new information in their lives and/or work, how existing organizations, campaigns, and coalitions can continue to work on these issues, and how attendees can engage with and hold duty-bearers accountable to existing government commitments on the climate response.   Moderator for session: Eleanor Blomstrom, Women Deliver   9:30-9:40  Opening Remarks Hereiti File, Youth activist, Cook Islands   9:40-10:05 Plenary 1: Understanding the intersection of climate crisis & adolescents Moderator: Karen Austrian, Population Council Panelists:  Damilola Babatunde, Youth Leader, Nigeria Alejandra Teleguario, Youth Leader, Guatemala Sohanur Rahman, Youth Leader, Bangladesh Brenda Mwale, Founder of Green Girls Malawi   10:05-10:25 Breakout Groups   10:25-10:50 Plenary 2: Adolescent-led Solutions & Recommendations Moderator: Jenny Yi-Chen Han, UNICEF Panelists: Mona Al-Ajrami, climate activist and youth mobilization, Jordan South Valley Olivia Wainwright, Climate Advocacy and Youth Engagement Specialist, United Kingdom Hon. Hariette Chiggai, Advisor to the President of Kenya on Women’s Rights, Office of the President Cabinet Level Appointee   10:50-11:00 Summary of Breakout Groups and Closing Remarks
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