More than 20 years ago, Dr. Nguyen To Nhu was a young medical officer in Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Health, Department of Preventive Medicine, when she was accepted to the University of California, Los Angeles’s (UCLA) Master’s degree program in Public Health.
While pursuing her degree, her advisor, Dr. Roger Detels, recognized her leadership potential and sponsored an extra year for her to complete a PhD. Dr. Nguyen subsequently spent 13 years leading Family Health International’s (FHI 360) HIV activities in Vietnam, including HIV prevention, methadone maintenance treatment and counseling, and drug policy advocacy.
Today, with over 25 years of experience managing and implementing infectious disease programs, Dr. Nguyen directs both the Pandemic Preparedness and Response, and the Malaria Control programs at PATH in Vietnam. She credits the Population Council’s Vietnam Public Health Fellowship with shaping her career and nurturing a network of former fellows who are also leaders in the field and with whom she often collaborates.
Learn more about our Fellows.