Population issues are among the most critical challenges the world faces in the 21st century.
For nearly 70 years, the Population Council has conducted research to understand the interrelationships between population and human welfare, society, and environment. The evidence we generate together with our partners is used to develop policies and programs to ensure an equitable and sustainable future for everyone, everywhere.
World Population Day 2022 calls for “harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices.” To mark this day we spotlight our long-standing commitment to publishing and sharing knowledge that enable collaborative progress toward a “resilient future for all.”
Knowledge Commons: Open Science Repository
Launched in 2019, Knowledge Commons provides open access to research products published by the Population Council and its partners. The available grey literature—including working papers, briefs, and technical reports—are a rich source of data and evidence often not shared in scholarly articles. Grey literature is increasingly recognized as an important information resource for systematic reviews and policy documents. Download counts from Knowledge Commons in the past year are 240K+.
More than 7,000 institutions from 212 countries have downloaded papers from Knowledge Commons.
The Population Council shares datasets, descriptive metadata, and documentation files in its Dataverse repository. The archive includes data from our Girl Innovation, Research, and Learning (GIRL) Center and COVID-19 research and evaluations.
Access more than 60 datasets in the Council’s open data archive.
Population and Development Review and Studies in Family Planning
The Population Council publishes two leading scholarly journals: Population and Development Review and Studies in Family Planning. For more than 50 years, peer-reviewed social science, public health, and demographic research in these publications has played a pivotal role in shaping the field and building the evidence base for improving policy and practice around the world.
Through its journals program, the Council publishes groundbreaking research from leading scholars around the world.