The Prevalence and Persistence of Cousin Marriage in Pakistan
Pakistan's rate of consanguinity (the proportion of couples who are blood relatives) is unparalleled globally, with nearly two-thirds of marriages involving cousins. While cousin [...]
Foreword to PDR Supplement “Contraceptive Transitions: Explanation and Evidence”
Foreword This article is part of the PDR supplement Contraceptive Transitions: Explanations and Evidence. This collection of papers is a product of the International [...]
What do women think of self-injectable contraception now that implementation efforts have intensified across many countries in sub-Saharan Africa?
Self-injection (SI) of DMPA-SC has been a hot topic in the contraception field since pilot projects began about a decade ago. Early studies showed [...]
Teen Union Formation and Intimate Partner Violence in South America
Cohabitation and marriage before the age of 18 represent a common pathway into adulthood in South America. Teen union formation is particularly widespread in [...]
The Potential of Internal Migration to Shape Rural and Urban Populations Across Africa, Asia, and Latin America
Population age and sex structures have extensive consequences on development. Young populations require schools, older populations require funds for retirement, and both need well-functioning [...]
Reflections on the value of anthropology for population studies at Population and Development Review’s 50th anniversary
Population and Development Review’s 50th anniversary special issue is a fitting occasion to reflect on the value of anthropology for population studies. For decades, [...]
The Dynamics of Contraceptive Preferences: Insights from Kenyan Women
Contraceptive preferences play a crucial role in reproductive outcomes such as contraceptive continuation and pregnancy prevention. Current approaches to measuring reproductive preferences in population [...]
The Distinct–and Damaging–Impacts of Policies Externalizing Migration Control on Refugees and Other Migrants
Over the past three decades, migrant destination states of the Global North have increasingly sought to co-opt migrant origin/transit states of the Global South [...]