Reducing HIV Risk among Adolescent Girls and Young Women
Reversing high rates of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, and addressing the core factors that increase girls’ HIV [...]
The Evidence Project
The Evidence Project, led by the Population Council and with support of partners International Planned Parenthood Federation, PATH, and Population Reference Bureau, used implementation [...]
BALIKA (Bangladeshi Association for Life Skills, Income, and Knowledge for Adolescents)
Despite significant progress in many gender and reproductive health indicators, two out of three girls in Bangladesh are married before the legal age of [...]
The Girl Roster™: A Practical Tool for Strengthening Girl-Centered Programming
Girls—especially the most socially and economically marginalized—are often cited as key beneficiaries of health and development initiatives. However, unless they are included in specific, [...]
The Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER)
Low- and middle-income countries have made enormous progress in expanding primary school enrollment since the 1990s, especially for girls. Yet questions remain about how [...]
Scaling Up and Financing Improved Delivery and Monitoring of Quality of Care
The quality of care (QoC) framework, developed more than two decades ago, is a cornerstone approach to measuring quality in family planning programming, ensuring [...]
Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) Support Project
In West Africa’s Sahel region, extensive poverty and inequality hinder social and economic stability and development. Recurring conflicts, epidemics, natural disasters, and gender inequity [...]
Rethinking Sexuality Education
Adolescents in the United States and around the world face significant reproductive health challenges, including high rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections [...]