FGM Data Hub: Africa-Led Movement to End Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is internationally recognized as a violation of human rights rooted in harmful gender and social norms. Since 2008, international efforts [...]
Breakthrough RESEARCH
High-quality services are critical to improved health and development. However, even where these services exist, broader factors like social norms and belief systems hinder [...]
Expanding Access to Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Francophone West Africa
Drawing upon its long-standing presence in Senegal, the Council is partnering with governments, civil society, and local and international stakeholders to support country-level sexual [...]
Expanding Access to Secondary School Education for Teenage Mothers in Kenya
Homa Bay County in the former Nyanza Province of Kenya is characterized by high unintended teenage pregnancy rates. Despite a policy that allows teenage [...]
IntegratE 2.0 Project
In Nigeria, community pharmacists (CPs) and patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are the first point of care for many individuals in their communities. [...]
Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya
AGI-K evaluated the short- and long-term impact of a multidimensional program for young adolescent girls in marginalized settings in Kenya. The second phase evaluated [...]
Biruh Tesfa (“Bright Future”)
The Biruh Tesfa Project established safe spaces girls’ groups for out-of-school migrants and domestic workers in low-income urban areas of Ethiopia. Biruh Tesfa (Bright [...]
NISITU: Engaging Men and Boys in Girl-Centered Programming
Evidence from several studies, including in Kenya, supports the idea that empowerment and asset-building interventions targeting multiple levels of the socio-ecological environment can improve [...]