
IntegratE 2.0 Project

In Nigeria, community pharmacists (CPs) and patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are the first point of care for many individuals in their communities. [...]

Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya

AGI-K evaluated the short- and long-term impact of a multidimensional program for young adolescent girls in marginalized settings in Kenya. The second phase evaluated [...]

Biruh Tesfa (“Bright Future”)

The Biruh Tesfa Project established safe spaces girls’ groups for out-of-school migrants and domestic workers in low-income urban areas of Ethiopia. Biruh Tesfa (Bright [...]

More Than Brides Alliance

Child marriage is a violation of human rights, impedes sustainable development, and often has lasting negative impacts on health, education, and access to income-generation [...]

Evaluating the Nia Project

For many adolescent girls around the world, puberty is a vulnerable time when girls face various pressures and challenges—including sexual harassment, abuse, early marriage, [...]

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