Elizabeth Vasquez

Community Groups Coordinator

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Elizabeth Vasquez, a Maya K’iche’ professional with a degree in social work, is the Community Groups Coordinator for the Population Council’s Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) program in Guatemala. In this role, she leads community mentors who work with groups of Indigenous girls and adolescents in rural communities in Guatemala. Throughout 20 years, AO has reached more than 25,000 indigenous girls and adolescents, from approximately 500 rural communities.

Since 2008, Vasquez has been engaged with AO, as a participant in the the 3rd cohort of AO mentors. She has had several responsibilities since then, such as designing new curriculum guides, monitoring and evaluating the program, and exploring collaborations with the public education system.

In 2012, she co-founded REDMI Aq’ab’al, a network of Indigenous women who have been mentors in the AO program and who continue promoting and implementing the AO curriculum among indigenous girls and adolescents in rural communities.

Vasquez has also represented the Council in several national and international events. She participates in several working groups at the community level, to promote civic and political participation of Indigenous women. She represents the Council at Girls Not Brides contributing to build a common agenda for Latin America toward the prevention of Early and Forced Marriages and Unions (CEFMU) and pregnancies. In November 2023, Vasquez co-facilitated the session “Data Decolonization” with Dr. Sajeda Amin at the Feminist Network for Gender Transformative Education global event, organized by UNGEI (United Nations Girl’s Education Initiative). During this session, Vasquez presented how community research done by the mentors helps inform the AO programming.

Currently, she continues to lead and innovate the adolescent girls programming at the community level, seeking partnerships with local governments, indigenous authorities, and public education institutions. Learn more about her work.