Maqsood Sadiq
Senior Research and Data Analyst
Islamabad, Pakistan
Senior Research and Data Analyst
Islamabad, Pakistan
Maqsood Sadiq is a program manager at the Population Council. He has worked in the field of research, data management and analysis, statistics, survey design and implementation, and management for the last 25 years.
Sadiq carries out advanced data analysis using Stata for the Council’s reports, case studies, and presentations, using microdata from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys, labor force surveys, censuses, provincial development statistical reports, and more. He has contributed to periodic poverty analyses using the cost of basic needs method; the computation of multidimensional poverty; and periodic preparations of detailed outcome indicators on education, reproductive health, population welfare, labor force participation, and income and expenditures.
Before joining the Council, Sadiq worked as a research officer in the Centre for Poverty Reduction and Social Policy Development (CPRSPD) where he assisted in conducting economic research studies and producing policy papers. Working as a statistical officer in the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), Sadiq was involved in the preparation of materials for the planning of censuses and surveys, including the design of the objectives for the survey tabulation plan, questionnaire and reference manual, and related data analysis; training of field staff; and preparation of reports.
Sadiq is the co-author or author of more than 20 papers, technical reports, policy briefs, and book chapters.
Sadiq has a master’s degree in statistics from B.Z. University Multan, Pakistan.