Long-awaited birth control option for men closer to reality: study

Researchers say a long-awaited birth control option for men in the form of a topical gel might be closer to reality.

A long-awaited birth control option for men may be closer to reality

The gel was developed by the National Institutes of Health and the nonprofit Population Council, and it takes much the same approach as birth control pills for women.

Male birth control gel shows promise in early-stage clinical trials

The compound was developed by the Population Council, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health. A National Institutes of Health official said the findings marked a milestone, even if the product is probably years away.

The Coming Birth-Control Revolution

An abundance of new methods for men could transform women's contraception too.

A fond farewell to Dr. Harriet Birungi

In deep appreciation for over two decades with the Council

The Abortion Pill on Trial

The Council's Lisa Haddad and Gynuity Health Project's Beverly Winikoff speak with The Meteor on the potential impact of SCOTUS' ruling on mifepristone

MedCity FemFwd: What Male Birth Control Means for Women’s Health

Listen to Regine Sitruk-Ware and Chelsea Polis discuss the affects of male birth control products on women's health in this episode of the FemFwd podcast.

Male contraception: Hope for external gel

Listen to Régine Sitruk-Ware discuss the NES/T gel.