Adaptation in Crisis: Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Adolescent Girls in Humanitarian Emergency Settings
Adolescent girls occupy central roles in families’ coping and survival strategies in times of crisis. Despite and because of this, adolescent girls suffer disproportionate [...]
Global researcher Dr. Thoai Ngo on “Growing Up in Uncertain Times”
This repost appears courtesy of the UNC School of Social Work. On Monday, Nov. 13, at 5:30 p.m. in UNC School of [...]
Learning to Adapt: The vital role of education and gender equity in climate justice
The Population Council’s research on education centers gender equity in our approach to addressing global challenges. Recent evidence has highlighted gendered effects of the [...]
Addressing Marginalization and Invisibility Among Humanitarian Populations in the East and Horn of Africa
“For me, as a person with disabilities [PWD], I have experienced a lifetime of trauma based on what I have [personally] experienced and what [...]
Effective Climate Adaptation
The climate crisis is accelerating, posing existential threats to people and places around the world. Any successful response must combine mitigation, or reducing carbon [...]
Unlocking Potential: Bridging the Gap in Early Childhood Education For a Brighter Future
On this International Literacy Day, let us realize that universal foundational literacy and numeracy skills among children cannot be achieved without universal access to quality [...]
Girls Deliver: Building an Integrated Ecosystem for Adolescent Girls
Convening Diverse Stakeholders to Integrate Action for Adolescent Girls The Population Council’s GIRL Center kicked off Women Deliver 2023 with intention and action as [...]
The Radical Potential of Education
“The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy” – bell hooks Voices for Girls’ Education At Women Deliver 2023 in [...]