GIRL Center Launches Roadmap to 2030: A Path for Evidence-Based Action to Transform Adolescent Lives
Building on the success of the past five years, the Girl Research, Innovation, and Learning (GIRL) Center at the Population Council celebrates its anniversary by [...]
Investing in Younger Adolescent Girls in Kenya Leads to Long-term Sustained Improvements in Education and Health
Adolescent girls in Kenya and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa face a myriad of vulnerabilities including household poverty, violence, limited education opportunities, and a [...]
Abriendo Oportunidades® (“Opening Opportunities”)
Indigenous girls across Latin America are faced with discrimination based on the intersection of gender, economics, and ethnicity. Many live in isolated rural areas [...]
Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya
AGI-K evaluated the short- and long-term impact of a multidimensional program for young adolescent girls in marginalized settings in Kenya. The second phase evaluated [...]
Biruh Tesfa (“Bright Future”)
The Biruh Tesfa Project established safe spaces girls’ groups for out-of-school migrants and domestic workers in low-income urban areas of Ethiopia. Biruh Tesfa (Bright [...]
NISITU: Engaging Men and Boys in Girl-Centered Programming
Evidence from several studies, including in Kenya, supports the idea that empowerment and asset-building interventions targeting multiple levels of the socio-ecological environment can improve [...]
More Than Brides Alliance
Child marriage is a violation of human rights, impedes sustainable development, and often has lasting negative impacts on health, education, and access to income-generation [...]
Evaluating the Nia Project
For many adolescent girls around the world, puberty is a vulnerable time when girls face various pressures and challenges—including sexual harassment, abuse, early marriage, [...]