Flood Maps with Disaggregated Population Data Analysis of Balochistan
Population estimates projected for 2021 based on the Population and Housing Census 2017; pregnancy rates from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2018–19; and [...]
Population Estimates and Vulnerabilities of People Affected by Floods in Pakistan
Devastating flooding in Pakistan has affected more than one-third of the country and displaced 32 million people. Shelterless children, pregnant women, and the elderly [...]
Earth Day: Harnessing Evidence to Invest in Our Planet
April 22 is the 52nd Earth Day. This year’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet”—a call for governments, organizations, and individuals to invest in [...]
Community Demographic Model: Invest Today for a Resilient Tomorrow
It's impossible to know exactly what the future will bring, but modeling can help us predict or forecast possible future outcomes. Population Council researchers [...]
Children in Indian Districts with High Climate Vulnerability More Likely to Suffer from Malnutrition
Children living in districts of India that are highly vulnerable to climate variability are more likely to suffer from malnutrition compared with children living [...]
Community-Level Assessments of Climate Threats in Odisha State, India
Climate change and climate-induced disasters pose a significant challenge to poverty reduction, health, and development in many countries. Located on the east coast of [...]
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
This year’s 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is dedicated to “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all [...]
Child Marriage, Climate Change, and Local-Level Variability
As we learn more about climate change, we find increasing evidence of the divergent social impact of climate-related events. The risk of child marriage [...]