Person-Centered Group ANC-PNC Among First-Time Young Mothers and Their Partners
As an evaluation partner of the Healthy Women, Healthy Families project in urban areas of Gazipur City Corporation, Bangladesh, the Council is conducting operations [...]
Addressing Family Planning Needs of Male and Female Factory Workers in Egypt
Across eight garment factories in Port Said’s Free Investment Zone, the Council’s Evidence Project implemented a program to connect 18- to 35-year-old male and [...]
Breakthrough RESEARCH
High-quality services are critical to improved health and development. However, even where these services exist, broader factors like social norms and belief systems hinder [...]
Expanding Access to Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Francophone West Africa
Drawing upon its long-standing presence in Senegal, the Council is partnering with governments, civil society, and local and international stakeholders to support country-level sexual [...]
IntegratE 2.0 Project
In Nigeria, community pharmacists (CPs) and patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are the first point of care for many individuals in their communities. [...]
The Evidence Project
The Evidence Project, led by the Population Council and with support of partners International Planned Parenthood Federation, PATH, and Population Reference Bureau, used implementation [...]
Scaling Up and Financing Improved Delivery and Monitoring of Quality of Care
The quality of care (QoC) framework, developed more than two decades ago, is a cornerstone approach to measuring quality in family planning programming, ensuring [...]
Chatbot Technology for Integrating HIV and Family Planning Services
A web-based digital chatbot, offered in healthcare waiting rooms, can help women assess their contraceptive choices and vulnerability to HIV. Given time and resource [...]