Studies in Family Planning is a leading peer-reviewed journal that publishes public health, social science, and biomedical research from around the world.

The journal advances knowledge and policy dialogue in sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice, covering issues such as fertility, family planning, HIV/STIs, abortion, and maternal and child health.
Studies in Family Planning disseminates research that helps ensure that efforts to improve the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and choices of underserved populations are based on academically rigorous scientific studies. We publish research articles, reports, commentaries, and data articles. The journal was founded in 1963 and is published quarterly by Wiley on behalf of the Population Council.
Studies in Family Planning accepts electronic submissions using ScholarOne Manuscripts. See Author Guidelines.
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Editors: Victoria Boydell, Mahesh Karra, and Frances Obare Onyango

Editorial Committee: Rajib Acharya, Angela Baschieri, Victoria Boydell (Editor), Rachel Friedman, Nathalie Kapp, Mahesh Karra (Editor), Kazuyo Machiyama, Joyce Mumah, Frances Obare Onyango (Editor), Saumya RamaRao, Gilda Sedgh, Elizabeth Sully

Associate Director/Managing Editor: Rachel Friedman

Production Manager: James DeGroat