5th HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P 2024)

October 6–10, 2024

Lima, Peru

Event Website

HIV R4P is the only global scientific conference focused exclusively on the challenging and fast-growing field of HIV prevention research. This conference fosters interdisciplinary knowledge exchange on HIV vaccines, microbicides, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), treatment as prevention and biomedical interventions, as well as their social and behavioral implications.


Council researchers will present our latest research related to the dapivirine vaginal ring, multipurpose prevention technologies, and other HIV prevention technologies.


More activities will be added as details are finalized, so please check back in mid-September.

Sessions & Speakers

  1. Sunday 10/06

      Satellite | 14:30–16:00 PET (GMT-5 hours) | Limatambo 2/Channel 2

      Delivering on the promise: Defining optimal implementation strategies and service delivery packages for the Dual Prevention Pill (Abstract)

      AVAC, Population Council, UNICEF

    • Monday 10/07

        E-poster | NA | Online

        “’DPP is good because you will be taking it as one pill’ Attitudes and experiences with the dual prevention pill (DPP) among adolescent girls and young women in Harare, Zimbabwe” (Abstract)

        A. Dandadzi*, I. Bruce, N. Sedze, M. Frix, P. Musara, P. Mutero, C. Murombedzi, B.A. Friedland, N. Mgodi, and S. Mathur


        “End user market segmentation, messaging and positioning for the dapivirine vaginal ring: A Lesotho case study” (Abstract)

        D. Pillay*, F. Mahiaini, D. Phenethi, S. Pato, S. Tenn, M. Motlatsi, and L. Solai


        “High levels of vulnerability among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) enrolled in a crossover pilot study of a dual prevention pill for HIV and pregnancy prevention in Harare, Zimbabwe” (Abstract)

        M. Nkangu*, M. Plagianos, A. Dandadzi, V. Gatsi, S. Matimbira, C. Murombedzi, P. Musara, I.V. Bruce, J.B. Burnett-Zieman, N.M. Mgodi, S. Mathur, and B.A. Friedland

      • Tuesday 10/08

          Symposium | 13:30–15:00 PET (GMT-5 hours) | Limatambo 5/Channel 3

          Session: Other prevention modalities and cross-cutting issues


          “Multipurpose technology in STI control”

          Lisa Haddad*

        • Wednesday 10/09

            Oral | 17:00–18:30 PET (GMT-5 hours) | Room 2

            “Are women interested in a nonhormonal multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) vaginal ring? Results from a national online survey with U.S. women” (Abstract)

            Ann Gottert*, S. Mathur, T. Abuya, I. Bruce, S. Shetty, M. Nguyen, J.M. Sales, L.B. Haddad, and B.A. Friedland

              Poster Exhibition | 18:30–20:30 PET (GMT-5 hours) | Poster Exhibition (Levels 3&4)

              Comparison of self-reported, pill count and biomarker measures of adherence to oral PrEP or a dual prevention pill in crossover clinical trial in Harare, Zimbabwe” (Abstract)

              Marlena Plagianos*, N.M. Mgodi, B. Zieman, S. Mathur, I. Bruce, A. Dandadzi, P. Musara, C. Murombedzi, L. Haddad, and B. Friedland


              Development of a multipurpose intravaginal ring for controlled release of Q-Griffithsin combined with contraceptive hormones: In vitro and in vivo evaluation(Abstract)

              M.M. Baum, M. Gunawardana, J. Breslin, I. Butkyavichene, A.E. Castonguay, D.B. Diener, S. Gunawardana, M. Remedios-Chan, J.A. Moss, P. Barnable, T. Bonnaire, J. Fernandez-Romero, M. Aravantinou, F. Schiro, B. Grasperge, N. Derby, P. Angsantikul, N. Kumar, B. Variano, and Natalia Teleshova*


              Preference for and adherence to a dual prevention pill (DPP) versus two separate pills for PrEP and contraception among women in Johannesburg, South Africa” (Abstract)

              B. Zieman, Marlena Plagianos*, T. Palanee, S. Reddy, N. Ndlovu, S. Zulu, I. Bruce, S. Mathur, L. Shale, L.B. Haddad, and B. Friedland


              Safety/pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and immunogenicity studies of Griffithsin fast dissolving insert in rhesus macaques” (Abstract)

              P. Barnable, M.L. Visciano, M. Aravantinou, N. Kommineni, J. Gadsden, F. Schiro, L. Guzmán, B. Grasperge, P. Angsantikul, J. Fernandez-Romero, L.B. Haddad, and Natalia Teleshova*


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