International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022

November 14–17, 2022

Pattaya City, Thailand

Event Website
The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) has convened the global development community around a shared vision of universal access to family planning since 2009. The ICFP is a network of advocates, researchers and scientists, community and government leaders, health practitioners, economist, conveners, civil society, and young people, joined by the belief that everyone deserves access to family planning services and products, no matter where they live or what the community they belong to.

Sessions & Speakers

  1. Tuesday 11/15

    • Martha Silva


    Oral | 10:15–11:35 am | Peach Pattaya 15

    Measuring provider attitudes: Results from a scale development process in DRC and Togo
    Co-authors: Kathryn Spielman and Leanne Dougherty
    Session—Innovations in Quality of Care Measurement

    • Joseph G. Rosen


    Oral | 10:15–11:35 am | Peach Pattaya 1

    Mapping scenarios of support for abortion legalization among reproductive aged women in Zambia: A population-based latent class analysis
    Co-authors: Michael T. Mbizvo, Nachela Chelwa, Lyson Phiri, and Nkomba Kayeyi
    Session—Abortion Stigma, Support, and Self-efficacy

      Population Council Side Event | 7:00–9:00 pm | Royal Summit Chamber A

      Game Changers 4 Universal Access—Contraceptive Choice, Convenience, Control

      Learn more and register

    • Wednesday 11/16

      Oral–Preformed Panel | 11:50 am–1:10 pm | PEACH Pattaya 15

      Psychographic segmentation at scale: Constructing measures for cross country application
      Co-authors: Nicole Bellows, and Chaibou Dadi

      Session Title—The Reality of Segmentation to Drive Behavior Change: A Candid Discussion on If When and How to Use Psycho-Behavioral Segmentation in Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs

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