GIRL Center Research Briefs present the latest evidence on issues of critical importance and recommend future directions for research, policies, and programs.

Author: The GIRL Center Publication Date: January 2024 GIRL Center Research Brief
Author: The GIRL Center Publication Date: January 2024 GIRL Center Research Brief
Authors: Miriam Temin, Sarah Blake, and Eva Roca Publication Date: December 2023 Adolescent girls face distinct challenges that require tailored and girl-centered responses. This brief draws on the knowledge of program implementers and researchers who work on community-based girl group (CBGG) programs (often called “safe spaces”) in various low- and middle-income settings and the US. It summarizes emerging lessons and insights on CBGGs, emphasizing the vital role that mentors play in this group-based model. The evidence emphasizes the importance of providing mentors with training, supervision, compensation, solidarity, and opportunities to build their own networks.
Author: Nay Alhelou Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Nay Alhelou Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Sarah Engebretsen Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Fatima Zahra Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Meredith Kozak Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Nay Alhelou Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: GIRL Center Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: GIRL Center Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: GIRL Center Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Rene Nevarez Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: GIRL Center Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Author: Sarah Engebretsen Publication Date: July 2023 Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls Data Brief
Authors: Grace Saul and Waimar Tun Publication Date: December 2022 This commentary examines key lessons from evidence-based adolescents’ programs—related to intentional recruitment, the role of mentors, and multi-level intervention strategies—and how the adoption of digital technologies can create opportunities to strengthen programs, provided that evidence-based lessons remain at the core of intervention strategies.
Authors: Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian Publication Date: March 2022
This brief summarizes a case study that assessed the gendered impact of COVID-19 school closures on education, health, well-being, and protection of adolescents in India. Based on surveys and interviews in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, findings point to the digital divide for girls as well as shared barriers to effective remote learning. Informed by the evidence, the study presents recommendations to scale up efforts to improve remote learning, reduce digital divide and strengthen teacher support, with a particular attention to addressing gendered differences.
Authors: Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian Publication Date: March 2022 This brief summarizes a case study that assessed the gendered impact of COVID-19 school closures on education, health, well-being, and protection of adolescents in India. Based on surveys and interviews in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, findings point to the digital divide for girls as well as shared barriers to effective remote learning. Informed by the evidence, the study presents recommendations to scale up efforts to improve remote learning, reduce digital divide and strengthen teacher support, with a particular attention to addressing gendered differences.
Authors: Faith Mbushi, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Laura Muthoni, and Beth Kangwana Publication Date: March 2022 This brief summarizes a case study that assessed the gendered impact of COVID-19 school closures in Kenya. COVID-19 school closures escalated education inequalities especially for girls and young people in rural areas. These closures exacerbated adolescent mental health issues, food and economic insecurity, and experiences of violence. COVID-19 response programs implemented by both the Government of Kenya and non-state actors were not able to fully mitigate the impacts of school closures for adolescents, teachers, or schools. Continued efforts to understand the implications of school closures and to support vulnerable students are needed.
Authors: Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, Maqsood Sadiq, Fatima Azeem, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian Publication Date: March 2022 This brief summarizes a case study conducted to assess the gendered impacts of COVID-19 school closures on adolescent girls and boys in three districts in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. Data as well as discussions and interviews with adolescents, teachers, and parents shed light on difficulties in accessing and adjusting to remote learning, learning loss, deterioration of behaviors and health, and other effects. Based on these findings and further reflections by stakeholders on the successes and gaps of mitigation measures, the case study proposes recommendations for improved teacher training, digital access, alternative learning options, and a gendered focus in interventions.
Authors: Stephanie Psaki, Momoe Makino, Christina Misunas, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Fatima Zahra, et al. Publication Date: October 2021 This brief summarizes key findings from five papers that examine child marriage and interventions to address it. While the findings from each of the papers are briefly noted, the brief focuses on the importance of context in understanding the drivers and impact on child marriage. Based on key findings, the brief offers cross-cutting recommendations for research and programs.
Authors: Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor PatelThoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin Publication Date: October 2021 This brief presents a simplified framework to provide key entry points for understanding which drivers of child marriage may be most important in particular contexts. Decision-makers such as researchers, donors, and program practitioners can use the framework to help design programs and policies tailored to these contexts.

Authors: Miriam Temin and Craig Heck Publication Date: August 2021 Programs increasingly use community-based girl groups (CBGGs) to address risks and empower adolescent girls, but evidence on their impact is not always accessible to decision makers. The brief provides a closer look at 30 CBGG programs in low- and middle-income countries found that CBGGs had the greatest reported success in improving health and gender attitudes and beliefs, while their effect on health behavior and status is mixed.

Authors: Stephanie Psaki, Barbara Mensch, Erica Chuang, and Andrea J. Melnikas Publication Date: June 2019
Despite enormous progress in expanding school enrollment globally, improvements in health have not always followed, raising important questions: Does education, in fact, enable women, men and their families to be healthier? And if so, how? This brief summarizes a systematic review of the evidence for the effects of education on health in low- and middle-income countries.
Author: Stephanie Psaki Publication Date: April 2019 Girls around the world face daunting challenges when it comes to enrolling in primary school, completing secondary school, and gaining the basic knowledge and skills they need to be empowered, healthy, and productive adults. Many governments and organizations have risen to meet that challenge through policies and programs designed to remove common barriers to girls’ education. But as the number of actors in this space grows, and resources to address these challenges remain scarce, it is essential to ensure that investments are targeted toward the most effective policies and programs. This brief summarizes the gaps and opportunities.
Publication Date: December 2018 Despite numerous global commitments to invest in improving the lives of adolescent girls, questions remain as to what package of interventions can deliver the best outcomes. We synthesized findings from nine recent Population Council impact evaluations, conducted around the world, which indicate that empowerment and asset-building interventions for adolescent girls can improve education, health, economic, social capital, gender-equitable attitude, and violence outcomes for girls.
Authors: Nicole Haberland, Katharine McCarthy, Martha Brady Publication Date: April 2018
Increased attention to the needs of adolescent girls has led to a growing number of programs in low- and middle-income countries. Questions remain, however, about what aspects of program design are most effective. This hinders efforts to effectively allocate resources, scale-up programs, and replicate results across settings. To address these issues, we conducted a systematic review to identify lessons learned and gaps in the evidence base. This brief summarizes the results of the review.
Authors: Stephanie Psaki, Katharine McCarthy, Barbara Mensch Publication Date: October 2017 Using data on trends over 10 years in 43 countries, we go beyond simple measures of gender parity to investigate progress in achieving gender equality in education over the last few decades, and to identify opportunities to accelerate progress by 2030. This brief summarizes the research.

Authors: Sophia Chae, Thoai Ngo Publication Date: October 2017

Growing recognition of the harmful effects of child marriage has placed its elimination on the global and national agenda. To address this problem, we reviewed the global state of evidence on what works to prevent child marriage. This brief summarizes the research.