Michael Mbizvo

Michael Mbizvo is senior associate and senior country advisor for the Population Council’s office in Zambia. Mbizvo provides strategic direction and technical oversight [...]

Miriam Temin

Miriam Temin leads the Council’s work to promote evidence-informed girl-centered programming using evidence synthesis, technical assistance, and capacity-strengthening. She directs the Council's project [...]

Rethinking Sexuality Education

Adolescents in the United States and around the world face significant reproductive health challenges, including high rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted [...]

Sajeda Amin

Sajeda Amin leads the Population Council’s work on livelihoods for adolescent girls. She is a senior sociologist and demographer with decades of experience [...]

United States

In the US, the Population Council has offices in New York City and Washington, D.C.   The Population Council’s Center for Biomedical Research (CBR)—located on [...]

Gender Equality and Equity

Gender is a multidimensional social construct of norms, behaviors, and roles that vary between societies and over time.  Gender links gender identity, gender expression, [...]

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