
The Population Council fosters a multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and collaborative culture to promote learning, apply research results, and achieve impact. We thank our partners for [...]


The Population Council closely monitors our financial status and holds ourselves accountable for maintaining the fiscal discipline necessary to achieve our mission. 2022 Audited [...]

Policy, Impact & Dialogue

The Population Council Advances Policy and Impact at National and Global Fora To ensure that the latest innovations reach decision-makers and that evidence [...]

In the News

The Population Council’s impactful science findings appeared in a number of media outlets. [...]


Powered by our local leadership and enhanced by our global connections, the Population Council delivers optimal solutions for underserved populations and communities in the [...]


The Population Council and our scientists were recognized for: The Population Council won an award for advances in contraceptive development. CBR scientists and our [...]


In this report, we share highlights on progress and the impact we are making toward our strategic plan’s four interconnected global goals. The [...]

From the Interim co-Presidents

Advancing Global Equity and Justice through Evidence and Innovation Over the past year, it has become increasingly clear how global trends profoundly affect lives [...]

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