Population and Development Review seeks to advance knowledge of the relationships between population and social, economic, and environmental change and provides a forum for discussion of related issues of public policy.

Population and Development Review is published quarterly by Wiley on behalf of the Population Council. The journal contains:

  • Articles on advances in theory and application, policy analysis, sociographic studies, and critical assessments of recent research
  • Notes and commentaries on current population questions and policy developments
  • Data and perspectives on new statistics and their interpretation
  • Archives with a resonance for current debate on population issues
  • Book reviews
  • Documents and official voices on population matters from around the world

Population and Development Review accepts electronic submissions using ScholarOne Manuscripts. See Author Guidelines and our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Read contents of the current issue or browse a free sample issue.

Complimentary online subscriptions are available to qualified applicants in developing countries. Individuals and institutions wishing to apply for an online subscription should email requests stating the nature of professional involvement to: publications@popcouncil.org.

Sign-up for notifications about new articles, issues, and calls for supplements here.

Editors: Raya Muttarak and Joshua Wilde

Editorial Committee: John Bongaarts, Rachel Friedman, Sarah Hayford, Ridhi Kashyap, Geoffrey McNicoll, Sanyu A. Mojola, Raya Muttarak, Jennifer Van Hook, Sarah Walters, Joshua Wilde

Senior Managing Editor: Rachel Friedman

Production Manager: James DeGroat

Special Essay Collections

Essays: The World at 8 Billion (November 2022)

Essays: Covid-19 and the Global Demographic Research Agenda (February 2021)