Studies in Family Planning: Open Call for Editorial Committee Member Nominations
Studies in Family Planning seeks individuals with strong academic backgrounds and expertise in at least one of the following to join our Editorial Committee (EC):

  • Advanced demographic and statistical methods OR qualitative and mixed methods.
  • Advanced knowledge of behavioral science
  • Regional expertise in the Middle East and North Africa, South East and East Asia, and high-income settings.
  • Expertise in implementation research, knowledge translation and evidence-based policy and programming
  • Expertise in demographic changes, other megatrends, and sustainable development.
  • Expertise in gender dynamics, gender equality and social inclusion

To nominate yourself or a colleague, please send the following information to by July 8:

  • Name
  • Link to CV or website.

The Studies in Family Planning Editorial Committee reviews submissions to the journal. Committee members assess whether or not new submissions should be sent out for peer review, evaluate peer-reviewed papers, and make recommendations regarding the acceptance/rejection of revised papers. The Committee also weighs in on broader journals’ issues, including scope and balance of content, various journals’ policies, topics for potential special issues, and more. They serve as representatives of the journal to colleagues and peers.

Studies is committed to cultivating a Committee with a diverse range of relevant expertise. Committee members play a vital role in ensuring high-quality, rigorously reviewed research is published in the journal.

Please note members are required to attend virtual monthly meetings and quarterly strategy meetings. EC members receive a small honorarium.  Membership term length is 3 years (renewable one time by invitation).

Editors will reach out to potential new EC members in July. We look forward to receiving your nominations!

Studies in Family Planning is a peer-reviewed journal publishing research on sexual and reproductive health, fertility, family planning, HIV/AIDS, abortion, maternal/child health, and related topics, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.

Each issue contains original research articles, reports, commentaries, and data papers. Research in the journal helps ensure that efforts to improve the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and choices of underserved populations are based on academically rigorous scientific studies.

Studies in Family Planning welcomes submissions in sexual and reproductive health, fertility, family planning, HIV/AIDS, abortion, maternal/child health, and related topics. The journal is published quarterly by Wiley on behalf of the Population Council.

Studies in Family Planning accepts electronic submissions using ScholarOne Manuscripts. See Author Guidelines and our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Read contents of the current issue or browse a free sample issue.

Complimentary online subscriptions are available to qualified applicants in developing countries. Individuals and institutions wishing to apply for an online subscription should email requests stating the nature of professional involvement to:

Editors: Victoria Boydell, Mahesh Karra, and Frances Obare Onyango

Editorial Committee: Rajib Acharya, Victoria Boydell, Mónica L. Caudillo, Rachel Friedman, Karen Hardee, Mahesh Karra, Kazuyo Machiyama, Leticia Marteleto, Joyce Mumah, Frances Obare Onyango, Saumya RamaRao, Elizabeth Sully, Johannes van Dam, Sara Yeatman

Senior Managing Editor: Rachel Friedman

Production Manager: James DeGroat