In a Brookings Education Plus Development blog, Council Senior Associate Karen Austrian and GIRL Center Director Stephanie Psaki remind us that while the world has changed dramatically over the last 10 months due to COVID-19, it is critical that we not neglect the fundamentals and what we already know works to address gender-related barriers to education.

The piece cites findings from Council surveys conducted during the pandemic in Kenya in partnership with the Executive Office of the President’s Policy and Strategy Unit, as well as insights from the Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER), an interactive database launched by the GIRL Center.

“While the full educational repercussions of COVID-19 have not yet unfolded, the pandemic is layering unprecedented pressures on top of existing challenges,” they write. They call on the gender and education community to look at how the pandemic changes the fundamentals, and how plans must change in response.

Read in Brookings blog.