Understanding the Lives of Adolescents and Young Adults (UDAYA) in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
The Population Council in New Delhi conducted the largest and most comprehensive longitudinal survey of adolescents ever undertaken in India. This program established levels, patterns, [...]
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE): What do we know, and where do we go from here?
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) enables young people to think broadly about the physical, emotional, and cognitive aspects of sexuality and enhances development of important [...]
Promoting Opportunities for Adolescent Girls in the Sahel Region through Evidence-Informed Programming
This A3 Insights describes key elements of the Population Council’s work on the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend initiative (SWEDD), which aims to [...]
Promouvoir les opportunités pour les adolescentes dans la région du Sahel grâce à une programmation fondée sur des données probantes
Cet article tiré de l'Atlas des Adolescents pour l'Action (A3) du GIRL Center décrit les éléments clés du travail du Population Council sur l'initiative [...]
International Women’s Day 2023 Highlight
This week, the Population Council celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). The IWD theme of innovation and technology for gender equality will drive discussions at [...]
Direct-to-Consumer Fertility Awareness and Reproductive Health Information
The Game of Choice, Not Chance (GOC) is a Direct to Consumer (DTC) educational mobile game. The GOC provides young women with a safe [...]
Abriendo Futuros (Opening Futures) for Rural Indigenous Girls in Yucatan, Mexico
Abriendo Futuros (AF) is a girl-centered program aiming at improving the current and future life of Mayan adolescent girls (MAGs) in Yucatán. The program [...]
Child Domestic Workers
There are an estimated 17.2 million child domestic workers globally, most of whom are girls. Despite their large numbers, research related to this marginalized [...]