A Conversation with Régine Sitruk-Ware

Régine Sitruk-Ware, distinguished scientist at the Population Council, is the recipient of the 2022 Society of Family Planning Lifetime Achievement Award. The honor [...]

James DeGroat

James DeGroat serves as the production manager for the Population Council’s two scholarly journals: Population and Development Review and Studies in Family Planning. He [...]

COVID-19 Response

The Population Council works with health authorities and policymakers to generate and share data in real-time and provide evidence to mitigate the devastating [...]

Post-Conflict Settings

The Population Council conducts rigorous formative research, risk mapping, and develops vulnerability indices and practical tools to collect program-relevant information for use in [...]

Population Council Fellow: Sohail Agha

Born in Karachi, Pakistan, Dr. Sohail Agha’s academic pursuits led him to a doctoral program in Population Dynamics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of [...]

Population Council Fellow: Dela Nai

Growing up in Ghana and Ethiopia, Dr. Dela Nai was inspired by African women scientists, including Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo and Dr. Miriam Were. After obtaining [...]

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